Helping Sinopec Achieve Peak Performance while Reducing its Environmental Impact
$1.7M Total Value Delivered
Sinopec Chongqing SVW Chemical Company (SVW) is a chemical manufacturer based in China. The company is focused on continuously improving water reuse and recycling while increasing output and aligning with the Chinese government’s efforts to conserve energy and reduce emissions. SVW recently launched an initiative to recycle wastewater for use in its cooling towers at its plant in Chongqing, China.

Ecolab’s water and process management business, Nalco Water, worked with SVW to develop a program that is designed to control corrosion and scale while maintaining a ratio of up to 60% recycled wastewater in the cooling tower makeup water. SVW implemented Nalco Water’s corrosion control solution for cooling systems, along with 3D TRASAR™ Technology to provide integrated water quality management along with real-time, automated monitoring and dosing.

The partnership with Nalco Water enabled SVW to achieve historically high levels of compliance with key control and performance indicators in the cooling water systems (>99%). It also improved system reliability, water use and sustainable development and led to substantial cost savings. In addition, production increased and maintenance time was reduced, due to the prevention of leaks in the heat exchanger system.
The results in this case study are specific to this individual customer and may vary for other customers based on factors and circumstances in their operations.
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