Proven Cockroach Elimination
Cockroaches are associated with dirty, unsanitary environments so when your customers or staff see a cockroach, the story can quickly spread via word of mouth or social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Yelp. Stories of cockroach sightings and closures due to environmental health inspections can quickly spiral out of control and cause a public relations nightmare doing irreparable damage to your reputation and brand.
At Ecolab, we consistently deliver our proven protocol for cockroach elimination that works quickly to rid cockroaches and help prevent them from coming back. Our protocol includes:
- Thorough inspections and monitoring
- Residual application for a quick knockdown
- Flushing to drive cockroaches from hiding
- Dusting for long-lasting protection
- Targeted bait applications for protection in sensitive areas
- Documentation of risk areas and action taken
We provide an approach to pest elimination with on-site consultation, data-driven reporting, customer support 24/7/365 and educational tools to raise awareness on how you can prevent pest activity.

Cockroach Multi-Station
Learn about Ecolab’s Cockroach Multi-Station, our best-in-class cockroach monitor available as part of our cockroach service.

Cockroach Facts
- In many parts of the country, a single cockroach sighting by a health inspector is considered a critical violation and could lead to a shutdown.
- The German cockroach is a domestic species that requires the indoor human habitat to survive.
- A single pair of German cockroaches can produce over 250,000 offspring in one year.
- Cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat anything of nutritive value, including soap and glue to survive.
- Cockroaches are among the most primitive of insects, dating back to the Carboniferous era 280 million years ago.
- There are over 4,000 species of cockroaches around the world and counting. Only about a dozen species are considered pests.
- A cockroach can live without its head for up to 1 week.
Cockroach Videos
Webinar Recording
Watch this webinar to learn about the importance of sanitation in a successful pest elimination program and get tips for more effective cockroach control.
Cockroach Breeding
How fast does it take 100 cockroaches to become 6,000? Watch this time-lapse video to see how quickly cockroaches can take over your establishment.
Flushing Drives Cockroaches from Hiding
See how flushing drives cockroaches from their harborage sites and leads to better results in cockroach elimination.